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The Most Comprehensive Guide To Unity Game Development Volume 1
1 - Downloading Unity Hub And Unity (4:31)
2 - About Unity Versions And Creating A New Project (3:46)
3 - Introduction To Unity's Interface (13:03)
4 - Starting With Unity Basics (7:36)
5 - Rigid Bodies And Colliders (8:32)
6 - Audio Source And UI Elements (7:28)
7 - Moving Our Character With Code (8:34)
Programming In C#
1 - Introduction To Variables (11:51)
2 - Operations With Variables (12:47)
3 - Functions (15:20)
4 - Conditional Statements (15:07)
5 - Loops (9:11)
6 - Classes (12:07)
7 - Accesibility Modifiers(Data Encapsulation) (10:07)
8 - Inheritance (16:40)
9 - Coroutines (5:57)
10 - Getting Components (8:56)
Monster Chase Game
0 - Game Intro (1:22)
1 - Importing Assets And Working With Sprite Sheets (8:27)
2 - Creating Player Animations (15:13)
3 - Sorting Layers And Order In Layer (6:27)
4 - Creating The Game Background (8:59)
5 - Player Movement (17:23)
6 - Animating The Player Via Code (13:07)
7 - Player Jumping (15:28)
8 - Camera Follow Player (11:39)
9 - Enemy Animations (8:58)
10 - Enemy Script (11:35)
11 - Enemy Spawner (22:59)
12 - Enemy Collision (17:39)
13 - The Collector Script (8:36)
14 - Unity UI System (12:34)
15 - Creating Main Menu (9:27)
16 - Navigating Between Scenes (10:30)
17 - Selecting A Character (7:45)
18 - Static Variables (9:32)
19 - Singleton Patern (11:11)
20 - Events And Delegates (31:35)
21 - Instantiating The Selected Character When The Game Starts (4:48)
22 - Finishing Our Game (6:39)
The Artifact
0 - Game Intro (2:57)
1 - Importing Assets And Creating The Player (4:06)
2 - Player Movement (13:31)
3 - Animating The Player (17:31)
4 - Creating Our Level With Tile Map (6:16)
5 - Creating The Bush (5:27)
6 - Enumerations (7:10)
7 - Bush Visuals (14:16)
8 - Bush Fruits (17:48)
9 - Player Backpack (7:18)
10 - Player Harvest (19:05)
11 - Particle System (7:32)
12 - Creating The Artifact (11:51)
13 - The Artifact Script (16:57)
14 - Creating The Wolf Enemies (10:01)
15 - WolfAI Script - Searching For Target (21:43)
16 - Wolf AI Script - Attacking The Bush And The Artifact (24:59)
17 - Enemy Spawner (15:27)
18 - Slash Attack Prefab (7:58)
19 - Player Slash Script (10:34)
20 - Enemy Health Script (11:13)
21 - Gameplay UI Elements (6:46)
22 - Time Manager (12:19)
23 - Backpack Info And Artifact Health Info (9:04)
24 - Creating The Game's Main Menu (4:49)
25 - Creating The How To Play Info (10:17)
26 - Main Menu Controller And Game Over Panel (8:57)
27 - Game Over Controller (9:41)
Space Adventure
0 - Game Introduction (4:19)
1 - Importing Assets And Creating The Player Ship (11:10)
2 - Player Movement And Fire Engines (21:39)
3 - Projectiles (16:27)
4 - Weapon Manager(Shooting Projectiles) (23:38)
5 - Removing Projectiles From The Game (5:47)
6 - Lists (16:32)
7 - Reusing Projectiles (Pooling System) (29:58)
8 - Awake, Start, And OnEnable (12:51)
9 - Redesigning Projectiles (12:32)
10 - Creating Enemy Ships (9:21)
11 - Enemy Movement Script (17:51)
12 - EnemyMovementPointToPoint Script (22:40)
13 - EnemyMovementRandom Script(Assignment Solution) (7:30)
14 - Enemy Shooting (14:56)
15 - Projectile Collision Detection (12:42)
16 - Meteor Obstacles (5:58)
17 - MeteorMovement Script (19:02)
18 - Meteor Spawner (14:08)
19 - Enemy Spawner (15:07)
20 - Creating The Health Bar UI (9:04)
21 - Enemy Health Script (13:12)
22 - Enemy Hit And Destroy Effect (10:24)
23 - Sound Manager (11:58)
24 - Player Health Script (11:13)
25 - The Collectable Prefabs (5:49)
26 - Collectable Script (12:33)
27 - Player Weapon Upgrades (15:37)
28 - Drop Collectable When Destroyed (7:40)
29 - Creating The Game BG (15:27)
30 - Gameplay UI (10:34)
31 - Gameplay UI Controller Script (22:23)
33 - Game Over UI Panel (12:04)
32 - Player Health Slider (7:20)
34 - Game Over UI Controller Script (16:04)
35 - Main Menu And Highscore Menu (12:14)
36 - Meteor Effect For Main Menu(Solution For Assignment) (32:56)
37 - Space Ship Effect For Main Menu(Solution For Assigment) (43:37)
38 - Meteor Effect For Main Menu Pooling System (Solution For Assignment) (13:48)
39 - Main Menu Controller (9:54)
40 - Saving Data With Player Preferences (12:38)
41 - Wrapping Up Our Game (18:11)
Knight Platformer
0 - Game Preview (2:46)
1 - Importing Assets And Slicing Level Parts (9:55)
2 - Creating The Player Character (7:12)
3 - Player Animations (9:26)
4 - Player Movement (12:31)
5 - 2 Ways For Moving The Rigid Body (7:57)
6 - Player Animation Script (13:50)
7 - Fixing Animation Transitions And Player Facing Direction (9:06)
8 - Raycasting And Jumping (26:12)
9 - Boxcasting And Double Jumping (21:05)
10 - Player Jump Animation (13:26)
11 - Fixing Player Jump Animation Issue (13:45)
12 - Creating The First Level (5:11)
13 - Unlocking The Lock With The Key (14:59)
14 - Unlocking The Lock With The Key (Another Way To Do It) (9:38)
15 - Platform Effector (5:11)
16 - Worm Soldier Enemy (6:17)
17 - Worm Soldier Movement Script (21:40)
18 - Circle Obstacle (7:34)
19 - Hanging Spike (12:16)
20 - Flying Bat Enemy (4:29)
21 - Flying Bat Movement Script V1 (19:01)
22 - Flying Bat Movement Script V2 (10:13)
23 - Spider Shooter Enemy (5:45)
24 - Spider Shooter Script (9:49)
25 - Spider Jumper Enemy (6:22)
26 - Spider Jumper Script (8:45)
11 - Enemy Movement Script
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